Below are tools that UI PRC-RH researchers have created for practitioners and researchers. You'll find fact sheets, podcasts, videos, and other resources we hope support your work. 


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Implementing Evidence-Based Interventions for Cancer Prevention and Control in Critical Access Hospitals The purpose of this toolkit is to help Critical Access Hospitals access information and resources to implement evidence-based interventions for cancer screening.


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Iowa Youth and Vaping: Facts & Support for Mentors and Caregivers

Image of the Toolkit front page

Pharmacist's Guide to Increasing Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines (toolkit, video series) This guide includes written and video materials about Covid-19 vaccines for vaccine providers. One of the goals of this toolkit is to give vaccine providers the knowledge and resources needed to address the factors inhibiting vaccine access and confidence. 



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COVID-19 Response in Active Ottumwa The University of Iowa Prevention Research Center for Rural Health (UI PRC-RH) asked community leaders in Ottumwa, IA about current relief efforts for COVID19, needs that might not have been met, and vulnerable groups that might not have been reached. We received responses from 37 local stakeholders in May 2020. Survey highlights are shared here.



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Congolese Health Partnership: Protecting Our Community Informational Videos



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Healthy Coping During COVID-19 Pandemic

How to cope with stressful events during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Below is the social media images and implementation guide. 



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Healthy Coping Social Media Toolkit Implementation Guide and Social Media Images 

Example social media messages (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) encouraging healthy coping. 




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Promoting COVID-19 Vaccinations (messaging and translation) Messages developed by a partnership between the University of Iowa Prevention Research Center for Rural Health, Iowa Immunizes, and Iowa Public Health Association to help in the promotion of COVID-19 vaccinations among Iowa residents in Micropolitan communities. 



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Social Distancing Messaging Implementation Guide These social distancing messages are for use by parks and recreation, community, neighborhood groups or organizations, and others interested in promoting social distancing in outdoors spaces! The messages were developed to provide fun and easy-to follow messaging around social distancing for individuals who are using outdoor spaces during COVID-19. 

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A Call to Investigate and Prevent Further Violations of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Immigration Detention Centers In 2020, APHA’s Joint Policy Committee identified a need to update policies on the public health impact of U.S. immigration policies and reforms. APHA has policy statements concerning immigrant health, coercive family planning, and informed consent; however, no policy statement has requested the investigation and prevention of sexual and reproductive health rights violations in immigration detention centers. 


Community Health Workers Summary

Community Health Workers A one page summary about how Community Health Workers in Iowa contribute to our state and opportunities for CHWs in Iowa.

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Healthy Coping during the COVID-19 Pandemic 

How to cope with stressful events during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Below is the social media images and implementation guide. 


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Healthy Coping Social Media Toolkit Implementation Guide and Social Media Images 

Example social media messages (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) encouraging healthy coping.


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Active Ottumwa Fact Sheets Summary of Program, Numbers, Posters, and Newsletters from the Active Ottumwa Project

Active Iowa Package of Materials  Includes the Manual of Implementation, supplemental training videos, a binder of materials to train program Physical Activity Leaders (PALs), templates of Active Iowa flyers and promotional items, Addendums for COVID-19 and virtual physical activity programming, and a social media toolkit with associated graphics to help you adapt and implement Active Iowa in your community. The Manual of Implementation includes information on the program's background, evidence-based strategies that can be used, how to adapt these strategies to your community, and how to evaluate, implement, and sustain the program. This Manual has appendices and additional relevant resources to support implementation of a physical activity program in micropolitan communities. The supplemental trainings feature a 12-part series of 5–15-minute videos with additional tips and tricks for program success. The other developed materials provide and plug and play documents that can help you get your Active Iowa program up and running.  

Active Iowa and Ottumwa One Pager

One-pager on supports and barriers to implementing EBIs - This short document summarizes the findings on supports and barriers to implementing evidence-based interventions in micropolitan communities. Information presented in this document was gathered from a survey and follow-up interviews with public health practitioners in micropolitan communities in Iowa.

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Healthy Options and Other Toolkits toolkits from projects addressing nutrition in Iowa

Active Iowa Package of Materials  Includes the Manual of Implementation, supplemental training videos, a binder of materials to train program Physical Activity Leaders (PALs), templates of Active Iowa flyers and promotional items, Addendums for COVID-19 and virtual physical activity programming, and a social media toolkit with associated graphics to help you adapt and implement Active Iowa in your community. The Manual of Implementation includes information on the program's background, evidence-based strategies that can be used, how to adapt these strategies to your community, and how to evaluate, implement, and sustain the program. This Manual has appendices and additional relevant resources to support implementation of a physical activity program in micropolitan communities. The supplemental trainings feature a 12-part series of 5–15-minute videos with additional tips and tricks for program success. The other developed materials provide and plug and play documents that can help you get your Active Iowa program up and running. 


GPAQ to Actigraph Calibration Web App

This web app enables researchers to upload GPAQ values and download predicted values which are calibrated to more accurately represent what would have been recorded via ActiGraph. Data must be uploaded as a text file; various delimiters may be used. Any rows with missing values will be removed. Visualizations are provided, and the calibrated values can be downloaded as part of the original data set. The calibration model was constructed using data collected by the Active Ottumwa project (, a community-based research project by the University of Iowa Prevention Research Center, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A number of linear and non-linear relationships between GPAQ scores and corresponding ActiGraph data were investigated. AIC was used to select the best model from a training set, and the resulting calibration model was validated on a testing set from the same population as well as a testing set on a different population. Please see the following paper for more details:  Metcalf, K., Baquero, B., Laroche, H., Coronado Garcia, M., Francis, S., Janz, K., Laroche, H., and Sewell, D.K. (2018) Calibration of the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire to Accelerometry Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior. BMC Public Health, 18, 412.

If this web app is used, we request that the above work be cited. You may access the web app by clicking the link below:

Launch the GPAQ to ActiGraph Calibration Web App


Social Distancing Messaging Implementation Guide These social distancing messages are for use by parks and recreation, community, neighborhood groups or organizations, and others interested in promoting social distancing in outdoors spaces! The messages were developed to provide fun and easy-to follow messaging around social distancing for individuals who are using outdoor spaces during COVID-19. 

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Rural Health Podcast In this podcast, hear from people in various communities about their experiences and perspectives on rural life, employment, and health.


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Immigration Raids: An Unnatural Disaster Dr. William D. Lopez, from the University of Michigan School of Public Health, and Dr. Nicole L. Novak, from the University of Iowa College of Public Health, discuss immigration raids. Among other topics addressed new research published by the Immigration Initiative at Harvard, 'An Unnatural Disaster: The Impact of Immigration Raids on Latino Communities.'  Also featured are the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)and Brooklyn Defender Services, Know Your Rights Campaign.

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Share Public Health podcast series episodes - "Tackling Equity," "Messaging, Communications, and Behavior Change," "Impact on Meatpacking Workers"


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Active Ottumwa Podcast: A 10-part podcast series telling the story of Active Ottumwa, a community-based physical activity intervention for adults in the micropolitan community of Ottumwa, Iowa. The program was a partnership from 2014-2019 between the University of Iowa Prevention Research Center for Rural Health and the community residents and leaders of Ottumwa. This podcast series will cover an overview of the project and share many of the program’s inspiring stories, successes, and barriers.

Pharmacist's Guide to Increasing Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines (toolkit, video series) This guide includes written and video materials about Covid-19 vaccines for vaccine providers. One of the goals of this toolkit is to give vaccine providers the knowledge and resources needed to address the factors inhibiting vaccine access and confidence. 

Public Health and Public Libraries Toolkit for Collaboration This toolkit covers five topics: (1) Why public libraries and public health? (2) Public libraries and public health in action, (3) Getting started, (4) Keys to successful partnerships, and (5) Evaluating partnerships

Implementing Evidence-Based Interventions for Cancer Prevention and Control in Critical Access Hospitals The purpose of this toolkit is to help Critical Access Hospitals access information and resources to implement evidence-based interventions for cancer screening.

Healthy Options and Other Toolkits toolkits from projects addressing nutrition in Iowa

Healthy Coping Social Media Toolkit Implementation Guide and Social Media Images How to cope with stressful events during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

Promoting COVID-19 Vaccinations (messaging and translation) Messages developed by a partnership between the University of Iowa Prevention Research Center for Rural Health, Iowa Immunizes, and Iowa Public Health Association to help in the promotion of COVID-19 vaccinations among Iowa residents in Micropolitan communities. 

Social Distancing Messaging Implementation Guide These social distancing messages are for use by parks and recreation, community, neighborhood groups or organizations, and others interested in promoting social distancing in outdoors spaces! The messages were developed to provide fun and easy-to follow messaging around social distancing for individuals who are using outdoor spaces during COVID-19. 

Active Iowa Manual of Implementation  This toolkit gives the program's background, evidence-based strategies that can be used, how to adapt these strategies to your community, and how to evaluate, implement, and sustain the program. The Manual of Implementation’s supplemental materials section includes links to resources that expand on content in the document. Detailed appendices in the Manual of Implementation include documents that show the reasoning for program implementation, as well as templates that support the implementation of Active Iowa, such as program trainings for volunteers.