Despite recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SMFM), COVID-19 vaccination coverage among pregnant women and children has been low. The University of Iowa Prevention Research Center for Rural Health has partnered with the Iowa Public Health Association and Iowa Immunizes to develop a virtual webinar series about the safety and importance of receiving COVID-19 vaccines and ways to communicate vaccine information to patients. The purpose of this training series is to increase provider confidence in recommending COVID-19 vaccines and to create a vaccine-promoting clinic that minimizes barriers for providers and patients.


Objectives: The series is divided into 4 parts with different objectives:

  • Part 1: The importance of COVID-19 vaccines for people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to conceive and for children
    1. List outcomes of COVID-19 infection for pregnant people, infants, and children
    2. Explain the effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy and breastfeeding and for children
    3. Describe the current trends in COVID-19 vaccine uptake among pregnant people and children
  • Part 2: Addressing common concerns about COVID-19 vaccines for people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to conceive and for children
    1. Describe determinants of vaccine hesitancy
    2. List the four parts of the “sandwich method” to debunk misinformation
    3. Effectively communicate information that increases vaccine confidence for people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to conceive and for parents of young children
  • Part 3: The power of storytelling: Using narratives to talk to patients about vaccines
    1. Describe the importance of provider recommendations for vaccine confidence
    2. Apply storytelling techniques in vaccine conversations with patients
  • Part 4: Strategies for increasing vaccine confidence in clinic settings
    1. List 3 vaccine-related evidence-based interventions that focus on providers, patients, and clinics
    2. Encourage clinic practices and policies that promote COVID-19 and maternal/pediatric vaccination for patients and providers

Target Audience: There are 3 different sessions tailored for different target audiences:

  • OB-GYN, Family Medicine, and Primary Care physicians and physician assistants
  • OB-GYN, Family Medicine, and Primary Care nurse practitioners and registered nurses 
  • Pediatric, Family Medicine, and Primary Care physicians and physician assistants


Events and resources:

Session (click on title to access training)DateRegistration
OB-GYN/Family Medicine Physicians
Part 1: The importance of COVID-19 vaccinesNov 16, 2022      12:00-1:00 PM CSTThis session has passed
Part 2: Addressing common concerns about COVID-19 vaccinesJan 12, 2023     12:00-1:00 PM CSTThis session has passed
Part 3: Using narratives to talk to patients about vaccinesFeb 21, 2023     12:00-1:00 PM CSTThis session has passed
Part 4: Strategies for increasing vaccine confidenceApril 12, 2023    12:00-1:00 PM CSTThis session has passed
Pediatric Physicians
Part 1: The importance of COVID-19 vaccinesNov 18, 2022              12:00-1:00 PM CSTThis session has passed
Part 2: Addressing common concerns about COVID-19 vaccinesDec 2, 2022              12:00-1:00 PM CSTThis session has passed
Part 3: Using narratives to talk to patients about vaccinesFeb 9, 2023              12:00-1:00 PM CSTThis session has passed
Part 4: Strategies for increasing vaccine confidenceApr 4, 2023              12:00-1:00 PM CSTThis session has passed
OB-GYN/Family Medicine Nurses
Part 1: The importance of COVID-19 vaccinesNov 21, 2022              12:00-1:00 PM CSTThis session has passed
Part 2: Addressing common concerns about COVID-19 vaccinesDec 8, 2022              12:00-1:00 PM CSTThis session has passed
Part 3: Using narratives to talk to patients about vaccinesFeb 24, 2023              12:00-1:00 PM CSTThis session has passed


Adaptations of trainings: Our above trainings were adapted for the following workforces and focus on all vaccines:

  • Dental hygienists/assistants
  • Childcare providers
  • Public health professionals
Session (click on title to access training)DateRegistration

Dental hygienists/assistants

Part 1: Importance of vaccinations for a safe dental practiceMarch 6, 2024              6:00-7:00 PM CSTThis session has passed
Part 2: Addressing common concerns about vaccinesApril 3, 2024                 6:00-7:00 PM CSTThis session has passed
Part 3: The power of storytelling: How to use narratives to talk to 
patients about vaccines
June 5, 2024                6:00-7:00 PM CSTThis session has passed

Childcare Providers

Part 1: Preventing and controlling infectious diseases & 
Addressing common concerns about vaccines among parents
April 19, 2023               6:30-7:30 PM CSTThis session has passed
Part 2: How to use narratives to talk to parents about vaccines &
Supporting immigrant and refugee families through the pandemic 
May 3, 2023                  6:30-7:30 PM CSTThis session has passed
Part 3: Recognizing and combatting misinformationJanuary 31, 2024         6:30-7:30 PM CSTThis session has passed

Public Health Professionals

Part 1: Communicating vaccine confidence: Strategies for 
promoting vaccine uptake
July 7, 2023              11:00-12:15 PM CSTThis session has passed
Part 2: Strategies for promoting vaccine uptakeJuly 28, 2023            11:00-12:15 PM CSTThis session has passed