Eliza Steere, BA

MPH Student, Community & Behavioral Health

I am interested in evaluation around cancer prevention. My research interests include chronic conditions, adolescent vaccinations, and community education.

Work with the PRC-RH:

I am currently the lead student on the CDC-funded evaluation of an American Cancer Society intervention to increase HPV vaccination uptake in rural clinics. I interview participants, code transcripts, design posters, and present at conferences. I have also helped launch an ENT project looking to understand the role ENTs can play in increasing HPV vaccination uptake. I’ve really enjoyed this project as I have been able to see the full research process. I design interview guides, interview ENTs, code transcripts, and help write abstracts. I love the work I get to do each day because it is always different and challenges me in unique ways.


I believe amplifying community voice is crucial in research, as there are real-world implications for the work we conduct each day. It is imperative that we work in a collaborative approach with community members to ensure all voices are heard.

eliza steere profile pic
BA: Public Health and Minor in Global Health Studies