Abi Ilavarasan, BS, MPH

PRC Communications
MPH Student, Community & Behavioral Health

Abi is a 2nd year MPH student in Community and Behavioral Health. Abi is specifically interested in sexual and reproductive health and how contraception influences reproductive health beliefs and behaviors. Abi has a BS in Sociology from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Abi works with Dr. Sato Ashida as a graduate research assistant analyzing data and implementing an intervention to help older adults and caregivers be prepared in case of a natural disaster.

For the PRC, she works with Dr. Shannon Lea Watkins to disseminate information about PRC-RH research from our Twitter account and helps update the website.


Please comment on what one of the PRC-RH values means to you.

The PRC value of social justice is essential to me because it is important to have equity for social issues such as education, employment, and housing. These, in turn affect our health and well-being. 

Abinaya Ilavarasan Headshot
BS: Sociology
MPH: Community and Behavioral Health