mom and baby

For Iowa Health and Human Services, the PRC-RH analyzed focus group discussions, wrote a report, and provided recommendations to improve future assessments.

Team members:

  • UIowa: Rima Afifi (lead), Heidi Haines
  • PRC-RH Students: Amanda Sursely

Project dates: 2019-2021

Funding sources: Iowa Health and Human Services, Bureau of Family Health, Maternal and Child Health

Project tags: Health equity, Maternal and child health, Qualitative




Title V of the Social Security Act established the Maternal and Child Health program that provides funding to states to support mothers’ and children’s access to quality, culturally responsive health services. Iowa HHS administers this program. In 2019, as part of a required needs assessment for this program, Iowa HHS conducted focus group discussions and key informant interviews with immigrant and refugee populations in Iowa. Iowa HSS asked the PRC-RH to analyze results of these focus group discussions (both those in English and in additional languages), provide a report, and provide recommendations on how to improve on the health equity methodology for future assessment purposes. The work included a presentation of the report’s results to their Health Equity Board.